Title Biotech Startup BIOVIT, Received TI-3 Rating From The TCB
Name biovit
date 2020-09-17
BIOVIT Startup BIOVIT, Received TI-3 Rating From The TCB

TodayKorea Young-Bae Park, 2019-11-07

Tech Credit Bureau (TCB) evaluates a tech company's competitiveness and effectiveness on the industry and marks a rating from T1 being the best
to T10 being the worst. Upon evaluating BIOVIT, the TCB has awarded the company with the TI-3 rating, which equates roughly to KOSDAQ technical special
listing evaluation pass.

With the TI-3 rating, BIOVIT CEO Yong Tae Kim notes that "for future developments, the company is looking toward banks, hospitals, airport KIOSK and more
items for coating." With such versatility of the natural antibacterial proteins, BIOVIT prepares to emerge in various from cosmetics, medical appliances to everyday items.

Source: http://www.todaykorea.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=265574