Title Why We Never Have 100% Germ Free Products
Name biovit
Date 2020-09-22

It's very common to see many cleaning products that pridefully advertises their 99.9% or 99.99% germ-free effects. What's even more surprising
is that our cleaning products have improved over time that some products can go to 99.9999% germ-free, just briefly rounding up on the product
labels. However, some customers question why there isn't a 100% germ-free product that keeps a surface in its cleanest form? To answer that
question, it is easier to delve into how these cleaning products function.

To put it simply, there are many factors that attribute to this situation. There can be bacteria that can be slightly more resilient than others,
bacteria on the surface may have been mobile enough to mitigate the bactericidal effects, and there may have been an entry of more bacteria
right after using the said cleaning product. It could also even be that the product is bacteristatic, meaning the bacteria isn't dead, but impaired of
functions required for cell growth. Whatever the reason is, it's almost impossible for a cleaning product to reach 100% germ-free.

The big question is: should we be worried that a 100% germ-free cleaning product does not exist? The answer is no, we shouldn't be worried. Our
body's immune system can handle most bacteria, even easier with smaller quantities. If you have a healthy body, your immune system may have
already stored a memory of the bacteria to take them down. Even it didn't, the minuscule amount of bacteria can be suppressed and build up to
your immune system further. Also, even if there are 0.01% of the bacteria left, there is always a possibility that the surviving bacteria has gone
through enough damage to carry on the spread. So customers can rest easy and keep yourself clean from majority of the germs with the
products, including BIOVITs upcoming natural antibacterial protein coating that can be sprayed on many surfaces to stop the bacteria from